Jun 16, 2009

Get Up You Little Ugly Bitch

The week has begun and I am still in that good ass mood. It feels good to be happy about things and not have to worry about so much. I got my ass on the tennis court and worked the hell out of that court. I was talking to my friend about teaching people how to play tennis and I really hate doing that. The primary reason is because when people say "oh yeah I've played before" and you get them on the court and the hold the racket incorrectly and act like they're playing baseball and hitting the ball all out of the court over the fence it gets annoying lolz. The one thing people do not realize is that you do not have to put all your strength into hitting a tennis ball like a baseball.....work on that.

I am a gay man and I like to go to clubs what can I say. Although we don't want to say it, it is a part of the gay lifestyle. Every gay man should experience a club at least once even if it isn't for them. If there is one club that I love more than anything in Atlanta it has to be Opera. It is the least nightclub. So I need to put it out there right now, when I mention Opera I am talking about a nightclub not the musical performance. Someone was telling me today "Oh Noble when you said Opera I thought you were talking about going to a concert and thought you had all this culture because of it." LMAO guess I don't have culture lolz...I am fine with that have you heard me speak lolz. You can find me there on Wednesday nights fools!!! You better be there and we can take shots.

A month has officially past, wow how interesting!!!! I was feeling like no one really wanted me or want to have anything to do with me a month ago.......my was i wrong. But I love that. That saying is always true about how we are our worst critics.


Unknown said...

As long as you keep your focus you will be fine...I like how you enjoy life...