May 30, 2009

Passing Over To The Other Side

This week was a lousy week but thank god the weekend is here. I met a couple nice people last night as well as this morning so we are definitely going to be spending some time together especially with my friend Sarah Lee Cheesecake Bites! mMm so delectable.

This weekend is the beginning of Phase 1 of maybe 3 or 4 different phases. But phase 1 is cut the bull shit out of my life. I am well underway with doing that thankfully. As I live my life here in Atlanta I have learned that there are definitely people out there to make life upsetting and see someone miserable but it is all about being a strong little prick lol well not so much a prick more a strong, confident individual so that when shit is thrown at you it can just keep going right past you.

Phase 2....Phase 2 is to focus more on myself and not so much on other people. I have definitely realized that, that is what I have been doing worrying about others and not putting myself first. Yes, it is good to establish things with people and to be considerate but at the end of the day the only person washing your ass is yourself so you have to look out for you first and foremost. [okay that is the second toilet reference lol sorry].

Phase plain and simple and can be summed up in 3 words "work it out." Essentially what that means is no matter what I am going through I can make a conscious effort to make things better so that life is smooth and the traction is so good that those speed bumps of life don't throw me off.

Phase 4...weed out those bad influences and bring in good ones.


Unknown said...

ain't it nice to cross over?

AGB said...

cutting bullshit is super hard to do! let me know when u figure it out.