May 29, 2009

Coming Out.....Again

So today I found out that a friend of mine whom I perceived to be straight for all of 30 minutes but had an inclination that he was a little TING A LING A LIIIIIING! Low and behold he was actually gay all along. But I am here to shake a titty to you and hand you your gay card and say welcome to the family! My how the world turns lolz. It is so weird because I remember when I was fighting with myself about coming out as gay to him. But none the less it is good to see that he is on our team! It is unfortunate because we never got to go to a gay club together aww.

But you know how weird is it when I went back to L.A. for spring break I saw the friends sisters boyfriend standing in line to get into a gay club right in front of Luis and I....and I knew he was a homo from the very moment I met him. Lets say my gaydar is on point. I may not mention it.....but I know lolz.

I am however am battling with having to come out again myself. To me it seems like it is a little more difficult to come out about this than coming out as gay. Because I am the type of person that doesn't like to burden other people with stuff that they do not have to. But we shall see how it goes.....It has been nothing but fantastic support from most and then hatred from one other.