Jul 7, 2009

What We All Cannot Experience

I was thinking today about things that I kind of miss. I know it is a little awkward but if there is one thing that I miss it is taco trucks! One day in Los Angeles I was at school and I wanted lunch so I went to a taco truck and had a cheese quesadilla. Oh my lord it blew my mind. It was so good....it was panty dropping good. But living here in Georgia I haven't seen a single one and that makes me sad because when you are coming from the club at 3am....You want to stop by Papito's La Estrella and grab those 3 mini tacos mMm mMm good!!!!

You know something else....while I am thinking about it there are a couple more things I have to say that I truly miss.

#2 Jack In The Box

The greatest thing to mankind since the invention of the penis! Why don't the other fast food restaurants serve breakfast/lunch/dinner at all hours!?

#3 Jamba Juice

Oh how I love thee!!!! The best smoothies in the world

#4 In N Out Burger

Hands down the best fast food restaurant in the world...They just know how to get it right!

Okay so maybe this exposed how much of a big eater I am although I'm super skinny