Jun 10, 2009

Waking Up Again

The summer slowly creeps up on me like I so do not want it to but this humid heat is a clear sign that it is here! I am on the heals of being in Atlanta for one year. It is so crazy! Time goes by so fast when you deal with drama. But I am starting to slow it down a hell of a lot. We always see goals or think about how things can be different and when you realize how easy it is to change things its like "why didn't I do that before."

I was talking to a good friend yesterday and I consider him a good friend because we have argued and fought so much about stupid stuff but at the end of the day I can look back and say "he is just looking out for my best interest" and you know what....I love him for that. In the dim/cloudy life we live, sometimes we need that bitch with their high beams on to guide us.

I am kind of on this friend high right now because the thing with friends and myself is I can always end up back on good terms with them regardless the situation. I can go ahead and say that there are times where I feel closer to a friend connection wise more than people I have dated. Yes I said that friends come and go but sometimes they just have to. Lets be honest everything comes in goes in our lives and the only thing that is forever is oneself.

Heres my dedication for today......
"Scar Tissue"
Red Hot Chili Peppers