Jun 12, 2009

Tic Toc Tic Toc Tic Toc

I was "feeling my pussy" as they call it or "riding on my high horse" and I needed to brought down a few pegs. I was frustrated with certain things, crying over other things and bitching at silly things. I was kind of doing all of this without hearing people out and getting to the bottom of things. It is always easy to jump to conclusions when you aren't in the know about things.

But hey I am a nice person and can hear people out and I am a man of second chances so we shall see what happens but of course that doesn't mean I wont have my guard up and my expectations are definitely high!

How appropriate I have the perfect dedication song for what is going on right now because as much as we all love for things to last forever, they have a time limit. I am a person of change, I like change and when things start to get routine I will get extremely bored and move onto the next thing.

"4 Minutes [To Save The World]"
by Madonna


Bandit said...

that Thug Story video wouldn't be nearly as good if Taylor Swift wasn't so extremely cute