Jun 25, 2009

This Is Real Now

I felt like today is the next big step in my realization about my new lifestyle. It is one thing when things are verbal but the minute that things are actually physical and you can see it and set in stone; that's when you have the real wake-up call. Before everything was just verbal but now that I have it down on paper, it is set in stone, it is 100% real.....I can work on making changes.

On one hand my first wake up call began the ball rolling on weeding out all of the nonsense I had in my life and surround myself with people that are worth spending time with. This second wake-up call is going to be the beginning where I get my butt into a gym and back on the tennis courts on a regular basis and work on that natural whole food diet. I have fantastic resources available to me here in Atlanta which makes me not want to leave the city at all and go back to Los Angeles.

I have this crazy feeling now where on one hand I feel empty but on the other hand I feel like I have closure and can move on with my life in the right direction.


Unknown said...

Isn't that a lovely feeling?