Jun 24, 2009

This Is An Intervention

Yesterday was a very interesting afternoon. It is nice when you are able to see people's true colors. It has certainly been hard for me because I was too concerned with "okay, there is no way that he and I can co exist because of the feelings that we have for each other." Not to mention that it is a giant love triangle between the three of us. But we all checked our ego's at the door to come together to help each other in a time of need.

As young gay men in Atlanta, despite our differences, all three of us face a common dilemma and its things like that where we as people need to not tear each other down and come together.

I personally was able to come out about situations I have been facing with being sick and the other two had issues that ranged from medication to alcohol to love and even just feeling alone in this world.

Even though this started out as an alcohol intervention, it turned more so into a realization that the three of us have had heavy impacts on each others lives and contributes to each others problems. Of course the best way to get over anything is to confront it head on and show you aren't afraid and ready to face it.

But yesterday all three of us came to the conclusion that it is so funny how it always takes something where our backs are against the wall before we can realize what a problem is and that we have to fix it. That goes for pretty much everyone. When you think you have it fine for the moment yet have these problems you have to face you put them on the back burner until they get to the point where you have no choice but to face it.

This is just another instance where I have learned that Atlanta is indeed what you make it. This is my tenth month living here and I have had a pretty bad experience with it thus far but things have been on the up and up for the most part and a place is only as good as you make it. When you talk about Atlanta to people you always hear "oh Alt is filled with nothing but hoes, trade, disease, bottoms etc." but as human beings we cannot


Turn me up a lil said...

Keep faith...and keep sight of your goals