Jun 22, 2009

What Builds Your Character?

I do visual merchandising for a retail store that shall go unnamed. I had my official job "review" but hell let's honest I've been getting reviewed almost every damn week. But my boss said to me "Noble....how do you like to be recognize?" I replied "I am the type that doesn't need validation or recognition because all my my work speaks for itself. " I am not saying I am the best visual merchandiser in the world but I am pretty damn good at my job.

I always SPECIALIZE IN RESULTS and I always achieve. That store has never looked in more tip top shape when it comes to staging, window displays and general merchandising because of it; and you can just look at the facts. But on the positive note I got a raise yay! and I am climbing up the visual merchandising ladder and I told my manager that I will be taking her job real soon because I am already doing her job as it is and doing it better. I am a game changer.

There is a difference in being conceited and just being

Sometimes we need that validation from others to make us feel good about the things we have done or just as closure. Yes, it feels good but at the same time, it can boost our ego a little too much and that isn't always the best thing.

Living in this world is indeed a competition and the recognition lets other people know we are good at things but hey sometimes we just need to be happy with ourselves because nothing beats that feeling that we get when we can raise our head up high and say "Yes bitches! I am this good and here is the proof but I don't need to say it...you can just see it."

Yes we have things in the work place as adults such as "Employee of the month;" but that is just the adult version of what we had as children. Society has instilled the concept of being recognized in front of others when we are young in school. I don't know how many classes I have been in where teachers post your grades along with everyone else in one place so all can see whose the top performers. Same thing goes with "honor roll" and what. But again, that only feels good for the time being...once you leave that place its kind of worthless. You can say "Yeah I made honor roll in high school or elementary school" but that's not going to help you perform your job any better as an adult. How often can you say making honor roll in elementary school helped you get that date with that guy/girl you like?

Hopefully like a small few, people grow out of needing silly validation and recognition and are content with what they do and with themselves....I am.


Unknown said...

Glad to hear that you are moving up...