Jun 30, 2009

Riding In On My......

Yesterday I felt like I was the master of my own domain at work. "I was riding on my high horse" because people keep building on it. The moment I got there my boss was like "Noble, thank you so much for what you did over the weekend. We were busy and you still did your stuff." Which is very true it was a busy weekend but I pulled that extra set of hands out my ass and worked my ass off to make the store look as amazing from a visual merchandising aspect as possible.

9 times out of 10 I do visual and merchandising for the regular Gap store but I had to work on stuff for the kids side because there was so much that didn't get done. So they call Noble to the rescue and he delivers again.

When it comes to work I know that I do a good job at what I do, but when I got my review a couple weeks ago the big boss was saying "You and I know you do a good job but if only you can do it faster" which I think was just him saying it so he had something to criticize me about because no one has surfaced like me in the past. I got extremely sick in the beginning of the year i missed a couple days of work because I was literally out of it...had no strength to do anything at all, no will power, no energy, just a total body shut down and so I had to miss work on short notice which was grounds for getting in big trouble, possibly termination but they decided to grant me this one time since I am such an asset.

Again, I didn't mean to toot my own horn but hell when people enable an enabler, you just run with it sometimes. But don't get me wrong I am 100% humble and know I couldn't have done what I am able to do without the people that have helped me out in the past and I let everyone know it. I feel like Kanye West a little lolz. I'm cocky because you want me to be...because you let me....because you accept it.

I am in no way saying I am just perfect at what I do, yes I make mistakes but at the same time I am just at the top of my game and on my shit and I specialize in results.

But in all honesty I have felt like I have left my mark on the company or at least this division of it and it is time to move onto the next thing. I always try to impact peoples lives in a positive way so when I get bored and move on they can still remember me. I have done a good job at that so far and only expect to continue to do it.


Unknown said...