Jun 29, 2009

Reach That Target

Today is the beginning of the week and I feel very inspired that things can get done. For some strange reason, I have been living life here thinking that "I cannot do this" "I cannot do that" but that is far from the truth. With the right encouragement, positive attitude, and strength and the motto of "Flipping that shit;" no one can tell me anything.....I can do it all.

When I was first planned on moving here I put it off for so...so long. I originally as supposed to move in December of 2007 but I put it off because I wasn't ready to leave my friends behind, I just started working at a great job and didn't want to lose that either. But as time past and it was May of 2008 I said to myself "Noble...sit down, shut the fuck up and get your ass over to that east coast." Low and behold 3 months later I find myself dying in the humidity that is Georgia.

I recently received the information I have been longing for about my health and now that I have it, I can move forward. But at at the same time that was my super wake up call and that is what has put me in gear to do what I have been meaning to do when I moved here. The biggest plan is to leave this side of Metro Atlanta. Yes, this side is a great place to live, but I drive too much to and from the perimeter of Atlanta and I could avoid all of that and just move closer. Positive influences in my life keep telling me "Noble move already MOVE MOVE MOVE." I am certainly working on it people.

I kind of felt like this economy was stopping me and I should'nt be spending like crazy. Which is very true no one should ever be spending like crazy....just wisely. But if I don't do what I want to do now, when is it going to get done?? Never!!!!!

We always have setbacks but when you see that small beam of light guiding you, run to it! I finally see it and at the end is that life that I wanted to live when I initially moved here so I took my loafers off so I can run faster and I am on the chase!