May 17, 2009

What A Day To Wear A Tie

So today I decided to wear a tie. As you know there are dozens and dozens of different ways to tie a tie. Most men are accustomed to the usual Windsor knot or 4 in hand knot. I tried my hand at the Pratt Knot today.....Not perfect but I am certainly working on it. My tie today was a combo of a half asked Pratt and Windsor UGH!

I like the Pratt Knot a little more because its pretty big, thick and in your face like BOOM POW! Lolz I just need to work on it. The concept is there but it is not perfectly executed like below.

For the first time I was actually fine with going to work today, it wasn't just me doing the window displays thank god and they got done rather quickly......another crisis averted for another week. People were talking to me about how the clothes on the mannequins are always wrinkled but hell everybody is wrinkling their clothes. Well not everyone but a high percentage of retailers who are trying to appeal to everyone i.e. Abercrombie, American Eagle, Holister, Aeropostale, Buckle and Anchor Blue. But I understand presentation is the key and neatness counts but even in the presentation book they looked like wrinkled fools. Oh well, lets hope I can do visual and merchandising for someone else soon.