May 26, 2009

I Appreciate You!

You know as I am officially one week into knowing whats going on with me, I am really deeply touched by all the people that have reached out to me to offer their emotional support. That truly puts a smile on my face and makes me definitely believe that things are going to get a lot better and easier.

I go through my spurts still of where I am feeling like shit and just don't even have strength to deal. A persons extended family is sometimes all the support you really need. Because I know that telling old friends and family is a little difficult but that pouring rain of love and support from others is all I need to push on through



THANK YOU all for thinking positively for me!!

Thank you for the things you've done for me.
Happiness walks slowly, with a cane.
Although inside I'm dancing to the moon,
Nearby many obstacles remain.
Kind help like yours those thorny thickets prune.

You are my willing ear, the peaceful sea
On which I sail my thoughts, the quiet tune
Underneath my laughter and my pain.