Dec 16, 2008

Palin's on FIRE!

A church in Alaska where Sara Palin was known to frequent caught fire earlier this week.  She issued an apology stating that shes sorry if her publicity is what led someone to start the fire.

The damages rake up to $1 million. But come on its Alaska.....$10,000 at most. There were people inside of the church when it happened thankfully they weren't hurt. But the church is known to be a homophobic church.

"the church was criticized for promoting in a Sunday bulletin a Focus on the Family “Love Won Out Conference” in Anchorage. The conference promised to “help men and women dissatisfied with living homosexually understand that same-sex attractions can be overcome."

Also in the news John McCain was reported saying that he wouldn't support Sarah Palin if she were to run for President in 2012....I wouldn't either!